What is Cyber Literacy and Why is it Important?

Covid has impacted our lives in an unprecedented way and it's not an exaggeration to say that some things have changed forever. One such aspect is the reliance on the technology by a common user and need for an online presence for a seller. In fancier terms covid has significantly accelerated the pace of digital transformation that companies are going thru.

Social media has connected people and created a different cyberworld which comes with its own norms and challenges. Just like in the real world, there are bad actors in the cyber world who are typically referred to as 'ha ckers' or 'threat actors' etc. As a leading web development firm, Appnovation specializes in website development consultant services and building web experiences that are high-performing, feature

For Beginners

Learn the hacker techniques and commonly used methods for

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Cybersecurity Enthusiasts

With any career, the earlier you begin learning the ropes, the better off you will be in the long term.

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For Professionals

Tips for professionals in cybersecurity to be safe while browsing online.

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Take A Look At Our Work


The CTF summer program gave me a great introduction to coding! I was initially intimidated by all of the different languages, but with the help of my instructors I quickly became more comfortable completing individual programming projects and participating in debugging sessions. The program also gave me great foundational skills for additional coding classes took later on, where I further explored the basics of Python and Java. I’m so grateful that I was able to participate in the CTF summer program and build my programming skills!

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Jennifer Takao

Students learned full application development along with the exposure to cybersecurity concepts.

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WSU students participated in this mentorship program

Cyberliteracy is very important and we are very happy to partner. Creating digital assets with COVID required us to adapt our programs.

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Techbridge Girls
Techbridge Girls
Washington State University