Courses to get you started


CITAP – Internship Projects

Among the many ways life is changing due to the pandemic is the impact on International Students in the USA. We have put together a program to assist students gain professional experience. Industry mentors from all over the USA and multiple industries have signed up to mentor students in delivering an industrial strength product, similar to an internship experience in a organization !

The opportunity for students and mentors is huge. There are over 1,000,000 international students impacted by this situation. We are collaborating with SEWA International USA, an organization that has done great work since 2003, in disaster relief, education and is currently supporting many activities in response to COVID-19.

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Chico Cybersecurity Program

Cybersecurity for Executives, offered by Regional & Continuing Education at CSU, Chico, was created to address the growing concern of cybercrime. Cybersecurity is no longer solely the realm of the Chief Information Officer. Protecting your company’s information requires executive commitment and that of other non-technical departments. Today’s executives need to be knowledgeable about the language and framework of cybersecurity. Whether you attend our four-day, on-site immersion program or participate in the online program, you will learn from our cybersecurity faculty made up of experts, innovators, and regulators. They will show you how to address cybersecurity from a business point of view and develop a culture of cybersecurity at your organization.

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